IReNA Young Researchers Organization Blog
The academic journey is filled with unique challenges and opportunities, so we created a blog to share stories of navigating it.
Find more about the blog and how to participate.PhD Candidate in Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics
The academic journey is filled with unique challenges and opportunities, so we created a blog to share stories of navigating it.
Find more about the blog and how to participate.I'm so excited to become the new student representative of the IReNA Steering Committee and Young Reasearchers Organization! See full article here.
Find more about IReNA and the participating networks here.The Detroit Free Press published a story about FRIB in which I appear while giving a tour for Michigan Math and Science Scholars.
See photo gallery here and read full article hereI had the honor of being the co-chair of the Organizing Committee for the 2023 CeNAM Frontiers in Nuclear Astrophysics Meeting at FRIB.
Read article here.